I have a friend that has been coming over a few times a week because we're working on some business-y stuff for her (shameless plug...go check her out right now haha - www.laurynewasan.com. She's straight forward and God filled ). And, if you know anything about me you would know that I love business talk. Not necessarily my business (though I LOVE my business), but more so the ins and outs of other peoples and helping them get everything set up. But that's besides the point. What I really came here to say is how much I cannot get some of the things she says out of my mind.
The way she hears and feels God is like I've never encountered in my life.
Dreams she has, revelation and words God gives her, but most importantly how she relies on the Holy Spirit is absolutely inspiring. And, although I could go on like this for days and wish you could all meet her, the point of this post is a little different.
It just really got me thinking about a lot of things. But, in particular it got me thinking on the Holy Spirit.
How much of the Holy Spirit am I even using in my life? Do I even listen for or seek out the gentle pressings, feelings, or words He says? Do I take credit for those God moments that happen? Or, do I point it back to Him? Do I go to God before everything I do?
"Lord what do you want me to do about this?"
"Can you please give me a word for this person?"
"Which way do YOU want me to turn?"
Do I talk to God throughout the day? Do I even actually believe He will answer me if I keep pressing in?
Do I talk to the Holy Spirit like he really IS my helper and friend?
How much of my day do I go living off my own understanding, intuition, best judgement and gut?
Really I could ask these questions for days, but you get the point.
Because, here's the thing. Had I known you could experience God and all He has to offer, the way my friend does...I think everything about the way I live my life would be drastically different. My stride would be different. I would walk with assurance. I would speak more boldly. I wouldn't shy away when I felt the pressing on my heart to do something that isn't "in my comfort zone". I wouldn't have a comfort zone. I would go where I was called, and do what I was told without hesitation. Because the assurance of living so closely with God and the Holy Spirit is that whatever He is telling you whether it makes sense or not, is what you are suppose to be doing.
So here's my thought, and my question to myself and you. Am I…are we…truly living like the Holy Spirit can guide us in all areas of life? In every decision? In every encounter we have with someone? With work, friends, family, and strangers? Do we ever pause to inquire what direction to go?
Because, I think I personally live a lot of my life like consulting God/Holy Spirit isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind in every single situation. Sure, He gives me wisdom, my gut can even be right. But the point is…do I ask? Often times, no.
The bible says the Holy Spirit was given to us to:
- Teach us - But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26
- Intercedes for us - Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26
- Give us power - But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8
And what would our lives really be like if we relied on the Holy Spirit like he's teaching us, interceding for us and giving us power? Do we paused long enough to learn what His voice, or gentle pressings sound like?
I'd love to be the person that answers yes to all of that. So my challenge to myself is this. To pray for, seek out, and learn what the Holy Spirits voice sounds like. Because, it can shape, transform, impact, and reach so many more than we even think or imagine.
Journal challenge: As your praying throughout your day, when daydreams, thoughts, pressings, or urges come to mind about something, challenge them. Write them in your journal and ask God if they were from Him/Holy Spirit. Or, if they were your thoughts getting creative and running away with you. I bet after a little while God will begin to teach you the sound of His voice, and you will be able to live with assurance that He is talking to you.