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**This is a NEW water resistant/stain resistant linen that is easily wipeable if anything gets on it**


We are so excited to announce this new Growth Book. We took our number one best seller (Lagoon) and found nearly the exact color but WATER RESISTANT! Now your most favorite journal can really truly go with you on every trek. 


This was the Growth Book I took with me to Guatemala and I will say it definately holds up. It still has the exact same great insides, but a more durable front cover for those that are worried about stains. 


And with that being said, we are so grateful you found your way here and excited to come alongside you on this journey. Growth Book has been so impactful on our walk with the Lord and we're praying it blesses you beyond measure as well. If you're interested in learning a bit more, or want a few free resources, please check out the links below!


  • For some great free resources, click here - we're always adding new things to this section so keep checking back for more!
  • For more details on how to use each section of your Growth Book, click here.
  • For the top 9 benefits of using your Growth Book, click here.
  • Click here for the 4 facts on why writing things by hand is good for you.
  • For all the information on Growth Book, head here.

Growth Book - Water Resistant Lagoon

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  • Growth Book is the one journal to document your entire year of growth.

    It's the yearly journal that you record all you learned this year on your walk with the Lord. Your impression of ink to paper that documents the area you covered, the road you traveled, the footsteps you took, the tears you cried, prayers you made, and verses you memorized.


    It's the notes you took while watching sermons, listening to podcasts, and reading books. The book that holds an entire year worth of notes, petitions, confessions, growth, and adorations. 


    In the end, the writing you leave behind from this journey will be a such a faith builder when you look back and see God's hand so clearly in your life, and a great record of the legacy of growth you're leaving for your future generations.


    It's your Growth Book.


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